About Us

Principal's Welcome

Thank you for visiting the Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School website. One of theGemma Lovell.png most important decisions we make as parents for our children is the school we choose for their education. ​​

Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School is a vibrant educational community in Ormeau. We are perfectly situated to utilise our environment to provide a balanced educaGemma Lovell.pngtion with high expectations for academic performance and citizenship.
We value open spaces in which children may be active, inquisitive and creative. Opportunities exist for students to be involved in a range of academic, sporting, cultural and musical experiences.

Our dedicated educators and supportive community establish Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School as an excellent educational choice for your child.

Following the words of Mother Teresa, "Do small things with great love", typifies the values of care and compassion to which we aspire.

We recognise that these characteristics will support children throughout their years of education and beyond.

Choosing Mother Teresa for your child provides them with the opportunity to share their talents and enhance our education community.

I look forward to meeting you and answering any questions about our school.

Gemma Lovell 

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mother Teresa School (Year)