Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship are integral to the life of all Catholic schools and nourish the spiritual growth of all members of the school community by nurturing our relationship in faith with God and with one another. Students at Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School experience a variety of prayers in the Catholic faith and broader Christian tradition.  Some of this is experienced through whole school liturgical celebrations including class prayer circle rituals, Liturgy of the Word and Assembly Prayer.  As part of St Patrick’s Parish, invitations are extended to families of our school community to celebrate weekend Mass at the Church in Beenleigh and the school is involved in special parish celebrations such as St Patrick’s Day, ANZAC Day Mass, and Multicultural Masses. 

Students are also exposed to the explicit teaching of prayers through Religious Education lessons.  Teaching about prayer is complemented by opportunities for staff, families and students to engage in prayer daily. In the course of their years at school, students will experience a variety of formal and informal expressions of prayer, appropriate to their age and development.  The following prayers are taught to each year level as part of the Religion Curriculum.